Please note that the real domain investor has faced great slander, defamation, cheating, exploitation, torture, with many people in goa, verbally telling her that the google, tata sponsored frauds (like slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina,goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak) are falsely claiming to own the domain names, paypal account despite not spending any money, so posting a disclaimer is the only way the real domain investor can protect herself against the slander of shameless fraud powerful corrupt indian intelligence employees, allegedly working for google, tata Kindly note that NTRO, CBI and the indian government is involved in a major financial fraud on India's largest female domain investor, hiring call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds in intelligence agencies and then falsely claiming that women own the domain names of a private citizen, to pay all these fraud women a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is not getting anything .
Get paid for videos or proof of shameless liar fraud tata,google, NTRO, CBI, R&AW, indian government officials who have got 10 lazy mediocre goan call girls, cheater housewives like indore housewife veena,goan gsb fraud housewife extortionist riddhi nayak(who looks like kangana ranaut) and other frauds,lucrative indian intelligence jobs falsely claiming that these fraud indian government employees and their associates own domain names including this one, when the tata, google sponsored frauds have never registered a single domain name in their life to defame, exploit the real domain investor. It is time that everyone is aware of the indian government, google, tata officials are pathological liars with zero morals, no humanity with zero personal and professional integrity involved in the greatest ONLINE, SEX, CHEATING, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the world
To allegedly increase the profit of google,tata the indian government is involved in a major online financial fraud, with R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies employing google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds, and senior NTRO, CBI, R&AW officials falsely claiming that these call girls and frauds have the impressive resume, investment of the google competitor, and own the domain names (including this one) , which are paid for by the google competitor , to dupe other countries, companies,domain buyers and advertisers, causing financial losses for the google competitor, destroying her life, reputation.
Kindly note that the 10 lazy greedy mediocre fraud RAW/CBI/indian intelligence employee faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak siddhi mandrekar, bespectacled indore housewife veena,fair and lovely deepika, shivalli brahmin fraud housewife nayanshree hathwar,asmita patel are NOT associated with the website in anyway though the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata have allegedly bribed fraud top NTRO officials like j srinivasan, puneet j, vijay to falsely claim 8-10 goan SEX WORKERS, CHEATER HOUSEWIVES and other frauds who never answered JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmate, domain investors and online experts to get all these google, tata sponsored FRAUD indian intelligence employees a monthly salary of $300 or more each in a clear indication of the rampant corruption in India in the indian internet sector.

Countries like United States, Canada are some of the richest and most powerful countries in the world because their leaders, officials are progressive and recognize that people save both money and time if they work from home on their computer, and can lead a better quality of life instead of wasting their time in traffic jams, travelling long distances consuming fossil fuel. Working at home is particular suitable for jobs where no personal, face to face contact with the customer is required, where no physical products are being handled

However in countries like India, where corruption and nepotism levels are very high, the extremely powerful and corrupt indian government employees are always looking for an opportunity to extort money, exploit small business owners. Since 2010, in a major online financial, identity theft fraud, sex trade, allegedly masterminded by google, tata to destroy competition, acquire talent and technology cheaply, indian paypal account holders work at home are being mercilessly hounded, cheated and exploited by cruel corrupt ntro, cbi, security agency officials making flimsy excuses that they are not paying commercial rates for electricity.

The electricity consumed by a laptop with a LCD monitor is very less, almost negligible compared to the electricity consumed by women who cook food at home and sell it commercially, yet the ntro employees are openly freelancing for google, tata and only hounding the paypal account holders, who often make very less compared to the women coooking food at home, as there is a lot of competition worldwide for making money online. Many laptops can be charged with a solar charger, so ntro employees cannot assume that all laptops are using grid electricity , yet they continue with their endless frauds including identity theft on paypal account holders since 2010, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money.

Tired of being hounded for working at home, india's largest female domain investor hired an office for a period of 12 months, wasting a large amount of her hard earned money, yet she found that even in the shared office in the corporate park she was subjected to identity theft by the google, tata sponsored gujju domain fraudster asmita patel indicating that NTRO employees are refusing to recognize domain investors even if they rent an office. The NTRO employees getting a monthly indian government salary are openly freelancing for google, tata are always looking for an opportunity to cheat, exploit paypal account holders and they will cheat, exploit whether the person is at home or office

In addition to spending money on office rentals, travelling regularly to the office, even in adverse weather conditions, there are many risks involved in working in a shared office in India including identity theft, theft of expensive electronic gadgets, hacking of laptop . For example the domain investor found that an expensive Samsung Galaxy Grand costing more than Rs 20000 was stolen when it was kept for charging in the office, allegedly by local security and intelligence officials. The stolen Samsung Galaxy grand was then used for identity theft, with some fraud R&AW employees nayanshree hathwar, slim obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,veena falsely claiming that they owned it, when actually it was stolen by their relatives, girlfriends and gifted to them

Another major risk of using a shared office in India is that the laptop can get hacked extensively using the hidden Wifi network. If any FTP upload or download program is being used, the webhosting account can also get hacked. It is often very difficult for a domain investor, google competitor who is held virtual prisoner to remove the malware which has been installed by the ntro, google, tata employees for corporate espionage, as he or she will have limited funds and resources available. It is also easier for the hacker to identify the person who is targetted when the office is being used, compared to the privacy of a home.

Another problem faced for shared offices is that there are many restrictions on eating food. In some offices , customers cannot eat in the office premises, they have to go elsewhere and eat their food, which can be very inconvenient. There are also restrictions on visitors, and seats are allocated on a first come first serve basis. There is also no flexibility in the timings, and if a person wishes to work longer on a particular day due to extra work, the security will hound them and ask them to leave the area as more electricity will be consumed and security can relax if the office is empty

While those with many family members and children will prefer an office as it is quieter and more professional, people who have only adults or are single, will often find it more convenient to work at home. However the price and location of the shared office can be a major factor. In small towns, most people are not making much money due to lack of orders, it can be very difficult to find suitable office space as they cannot afford to pay high rental rates. For centuries writers have worked from home, and just because large IT, internet companies want to cause financial losses , they should not hire an office. However in any business which involves direct personal interaction with customers, visits by customers and vendors, it is always advisable to hire an office

As the indian mainstream media is refusing to cover the news of the ntro, CBI, google, tata SEX, CHEATING, IMPERSONATION FRAUD, it is important for the harmless engineer ,real domain investor being ruthlessly exploited, cheated and impersonated by the google, tata sponsored SEX QUEEN RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar and others is forced to make people aware of the fraud, so that more companies and individuals are not duped by these powerful fraud officials.

If the large companies like SBI, BSNL, Ebay,domain registrars, webhosting companies were aware that slim westernized goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc is only a slim google, tata approved CALL GIRL hired by the indian government only for having SEX with top officials, and does not have a btech 1993 ee degree,does not have any online or major offline experience, they would not give her many privileges or powers as she has not proved herself professionally, there are millions of women in india like offering sexual services to powerful men like goan raw employees sunaina, siddhi. Similarly few companies would be interested in other R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees with their real resume as they are mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced frauds, housewives with little or no professional expertise or knowledge. Investing in domain names is like leasing any asset, as the registrars do not provide domain names for free,yet ntro, cbi, google, tata officials are falsely claim goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds own domain names to waste tax payer money paying all these frauds a monthly salary

For more than 6 years, the indian intelligence, security agencies, NTRO, google, tata are behaving as if the domains are being provided for free, when they falsely claim that goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud indian government employees who do not spend any money at all, own this website to waste indian tax payer money paying them a salary in an indication of the rampant corruption in india in 2016. This website is under construction as information is being collected. Interested buyers can purchase the domain name, paying the market price instead of falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds own the website.

It is also a reflection of the lack of morals of indian companies like birla sunlife mutual fund that they allegedly continue to shower privileges on the google, tata sponsored SEX WORKER RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc, despite knowing that she has no investments in mutual funds, she is only an inexperienced lazy mediocre goan obc bhandari SEX EXPERT who sleeps with miserly NTRO, CBI officials who are too miserly to pay for call girls from their salary, and then make fake claims promoting any woman offering free sex. The mutual funds can easily refuse or revoke the privileges they have given to GOAN SEX EXPERT raw employee sunaina, yet some of these like birla sunlife allegedly continue to promote her, because they do not want to offend her powerful fraud sex partners in NTRO, CBI like j srinivasan, who hate their btech 1993 ee classmate and have duping companies worldwide that sunaina, the goan call girl R&AW employee who never answered JEE was their btech 1993 ee engineering classmate.

It should be noted that hiring or not hiring an office will not make any difference to the google, tata, ntro, cbi employees who are involved in identity theft of harmless paypal account holders. For example in 2013-2014, the domain investor had wasted a large amount of money hiring a shared office from one of the top office providers in the world, however even there the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro employees falsely claimed that the flirt gujju domain fraudster asmita patel had her resume, to get the gujju domain fraudster a lucrative R&AW job at the expense of the real domain investor who has got nothing, despite spending a large amount of money on domain renewals, registration. Though there is no connection at all between the google, tata sponsored gujju R&AW employee asmita patel and the real domain investor for nearly 4 years now , due to the NTRO, CBI fraud, the indian government continues to waste indian tax payer money on the google, tata sponsored domain fraudster, while the real domain investor does not get any financial or other help

When no one will claim ownership of any asset without paying for it, why is the indian government falsely claiming that the google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agency employees who do not spend a single penny on domain names, own the domain names of another indian citizen and waste tax payer money on these 10 google, tata sponsored frauds paying them a monthly salary of Rs 20000($300) each or more, and pension for more than 4 years toll date ? Is it not a clear case of corruption and black money of top government officials?

The government employees are getting a salary and pension, yet it is a clear indication of their cruel animal like criminal nature that they are intentionally increasing the microwave radiation power levels to cause great pain to a harmless citizen in panaji, goa because she is a domain investor and has a paypal account. This exposes the hypocrisy of the digital india, cashless economy claims, who is interested in working on a computer if cruel sex animal government employees in panaji, goa are allowed to daily torture the computer user, causing very great pain, when no action is taken against the sex animal government employees of panaji, goa under section 323 of the indian penal code for torturing, causing great pain to a harmless person who has not interfered in their life or harmed anyone.

So instead of wasting a lot of money in hiring an office to counter the slander of shameless fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees, who are pathological liars repeating lies like parrots, it is advisable to work from home, saving money and time. It appears that the fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees have perfected the art of defaming, cheating , exploiting and stealing the identity of harmless indian paypal account holders to get their mediocre lazy greedy relatives, friends like google, tata sponsored indore housewife veena and sex partners like goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary falsely claiming to be online experts, domain investors. These fraud officials are very good at making fake allegations without any proof for decades, yet these shameless section 420 fraud google,tata , indian government employees HAVE NO FINANCIAL RECORDS to show that google, tata sponsored cheater indiann intelligence employees are making money or investing money online.

Any organization which is interested in helping those who are not well connected, or can help end the daily human rights abuses on harmless civilians especially the victim of the human cloning experiment, wastage of tax payer money, can send an email to
The farmers agitation in June 2017,is another indication that india is a poorly governed country, with SEX workers, cheater housewives and other frauds appointed to top indian intelligence jobs falsely claiming that they are online experts, experienced engineers with the help of fraud corporates like google, tata who are ruthless in exploiting indian citizens to increase their corporate profit. These IT and internet companies are hounding, cheating, exploiting harmless paypal account holders, falsely claiming that they are committing a crime working from home, yet when the paypal account holder will rent an expensive office in a corporate park, they will also face harassment, identity theft in the rented office.

Suppliers of radiation detection, shielding products interested in a free listing and review of their website can send an email to The website is currently under construction, domain for sale, to anyone interested in paying the market price of the domain unlike the google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees. Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is wasting $18000 monthly for the last 6 years to deny opportunities, reduce the the income of a harmless indian citizen, in an indication of the endless atrocities of the cruel animal like indian intelligence and security agencies

The following lazy greedy fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees goan gsb diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, slim goan 2013 bsc obc bhandari sex bribe giver sunaina chodnekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, bengaluru shivalli brahmin fraud housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar,gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, indore housewife veena, ruchika, asmita patel, allegedly sponsored by Google, tata, paypal, who have allegedly got permanent jobs in r&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies for their section 420 cheating, corporate espionage, lies, stalking and sex bribes to top officials are not associated with the website in any way at all, though the shameless top officials in the indian internet sector continue to waste infinite indian tax payer money to spread complete lies that these sluts, housewives and cheaters own the domain names. None of the lazy greedy sluts and cheaters want to spend a single paisa on domain names, then why do top officials falsely claim that the sluts and cheaters like riddhi siddhi, sunaina, asmita patel and others own the domain names?
The greedy good looking GSB cheater riddhi siddhi's powerful fraud friends and relatives specialize in defaming webmasters,domain investors so that the mediocre lazy greed gsb women in goa get great powers for doing nothing at all. Like all frauds these pampered cheater women and their powerful friends and relatives will never justify their lies openly. Any R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials how can help the domain investor to recover the Rs 1.1 lakh looted by R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar will be appreciated

Domain for sale
Any domain investor or company interested in purchasing the domain name can do so paying a reasonable fee to cover registration expenses.


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